Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

Mysqldump got error 2003 can t connect to mysql server on 127 0 0 1 61 when trying to connect

Mysqldump got error 20can t connect

EDIT : there are the configuration database and the CDR. What is that supposed to be by default? It is a best practice that your database should be always private so most probably your database would be in private subnet(Not accessible from internet If RDS is accessible from the internet so check your Security Group, NACL Route Table configuration). I have a big problem that I would like some help.

The mysql server is up and running well (I access it from an app I m making with T). mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can t connect to MySQL server on 451. I m using the following code (in). I don t think there s anything different with my installation.

Getting an error: mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can t connect to MySQL server on localhost (10061) when trying to connect Not sure what the problem is, looking at -help dumps variables and shows port33as I set in the mysql installation (instead of default 3306).

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I added the port switch to it -port43and now I get the error: mysqldump: Got error: 1049: Unknown database shoreware when selecting the data base I don t think we would have changed the name of the database either. Ebeldev opened this issue Jan 2 20comments Comments. The problem is I can t get mysqldump to backup the database.

I changed the default port to 3301. MySQL Workbench importexport: ERROR 20(HY0Can t Connect to MySQL server on localhost (110) mysql reports lost connection to mysql server during query for optimize table command.

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