Freitag, 26. Juni 2015

Nano go to line linux

Nano go to line linux

It is often preferred by new users because of its simplicity, compared to other command line text editors such as vivim and emacs. The Nano editor is a simple, display-oriented and free text editor that comes by default with all Linux operating systems. When getting used to the command-line, Linux novices are often put off by other, more advanced text editors such as vim and emacs.

From the built-in Nano help (G M- (Home) Go to the first line of the file M- (End) Go to the last line of the file So, press Alt to go to the first line or press Alt to go to the last line. How-To Geeks got your back with this tutorial to Nano, a simple text-editor thats very newbie-friendly. GNU nano is a popular command line text editor that is included in most Linux distributions.

Nano will let you to enter the line you wanna jump to, type in the line number, then press ENTR. Its interface is comparable to GUI-based text editors, which makes it a popular choice for those who find vi or emacs commands non-intuitive. There are several that are popular among one section of Linux users or other. jump to line X in nano editor. It is a good alternative to the non-free Pico which comes by default with the Pine package. Nano is a command line text editor, that comes preinstalled in almost every Linux distribution.

So, with that in min here, in this tutorial, we will discuss the basic usage of the Nano editor, as well as some of the features it provides. Confused by all of the other advanced text editors? In this article we will explain some useful commands like how to nano delete line, nano delete all, save nano file or exit and close nano files.

This would be the equivalent of gg (start) or G (end) in vim. But Vim isn t the only command line editor that Linux offers. Nano editor is one of the most useful text editors in linux.

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