Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016

Uni bib frankfurt

Uni bib frankfurt

The latest Tweets from Goethe-Universität goetheuni). It originated in the 15th century as a town library. After the founding of the university (1914) it became the Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (StUB). Opal: Die Lernplattform für Universitäten und Hochschulen. Use the guest access, and discover the learning platform.

Goethe-Universität Welcome to Goethe University Frankfurt 10:53.

Study - Goethe University Frankfurt

Press alt to open this menu. Today the Frankfurt University Library is one of the largest academic libraries in Germany. Study - Goethe University Frankfurt Study Goethe University is a large university in the heart of Europe offering undergraduate and advanced degrees in all traditional faculties.

Otto-Stern-Zentrum Uni Bib Riedberg, Frankfurt, Germany. 20the StUB and the Senckenbergische Bibliothek united. Professor Luciano Rezzolla and his team, together with 3researchers from the worldwide Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, have been awarded the Breakthrough Prize 20in recognition of their ground-breaking achievements. Students at Goethe University can choose from over 2degree programmes in faculties at three main campus locations in the city Frankfurt am Main.

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Goethe-Universität Welcome to Goethe University Frankfurt

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