Donnerstag, 28. April 2016

Shiatsu definition

Shiatsu definition

There is insufficient evidence that shiatsu is an effective medical treatment. It amplifies the body s own ability to heal itself. A form of therapeutic massage in which pressure is applied with the thumbs and palms to those areas of the body used in acupuncture. Shiatsu practice originated in Japan based on traditional Chinese medicine with elements of Western therapies, according to the Shiatsu Society. With shiatsu the bodywork consists considerably of finger or palm pressure either into the pressure points or joints or muscles.

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These points are called acupressure points, and they are believed to be important for the. Shiatsu derives from a Japanese massage modality called anma. Shiatsu synonyms, shiatsu pronunciation, shiatsu translation, English dictionary definition of shiatsu.

Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork based on concepts in traditional Chinese medicine. Shiatsu definition: Shiatsu is a form of massage that is used to cure illness and reduce pain. Shiatsu Massage is an alternative technique that involves manual pressure applied to specific points on the body in an attempt to relieve tension and pain. Shiatsu definition is - acupressure especially : a form of acupressure that originated in Japan.
Shiatsu Massage Definition - m Glossary.

If there is any reactiveness on any or all of these points, shiatsu would be an appropriate therapy. Shiatsu definition, a Japanese massage technique that includes the use of acupressure. What is Shiatsu massage therapy exactly, and how does it help those who receive treatment?

What is Shiatsu massage therapy and how does it work? For shiatsu massage, the therapist uses varie rhythmic pressure on certain precise points of the body. The Japanese developed shiatsu in the sixth century from borrowed Chinese principles. Shiatsu is a manipulative therapy developed in Japan and incorporating techniques of anma (Japanese traditional massage acupressure, stretching, and Western massage. (Live Reaktion) ESKALIERT MÄDCHEN BRICHT MIT SCHULE AB.

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