Freitag, 17. Juni 2016

Not tfue twitch

Not tfue twitch

Check out their videos, to chat, and join their community. Tfue tried to find another group to compete with no success. Fortnite star Tfue used a racial slur again, and Twitch won t comment. Tfue streamed for hours in the last days, averaging 25viewers and hitting a. Ninja and Tfue aren t streaming on Twitch right now, and Fortnite has paid the.

Tfue - Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available.

Everything we know about Tfue s break from streaming on Twitch


This site is not affiliated with Twitch or any of their partners. On its face there s no real reason Fortnite should fall in Twitch s. Tfue - kill blitz solo v solo - Twitch 24. Everything we know about Tfue s break from streaming on Twitch. Tfue - Streamer Profile Stats - Twitchmetrics Tfue Partner. Tfue - Twitch Tfue streams live on Twitch.

When two big streamers ditched Twitch, Fortnite suffered too - The. Twitch declined to comment on Tenney s use of the slur, which is explicitly against its community guidelines, saying only that it does not. Star Fortnite streamer Turner Tfue Tenney won t go live on Twitch for a.

Fortnite star Tfue used a racial slur again, and Twitch won t comment

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