They also gave news coverage about the company a news buzz of out of 1 meaning that recent press coverage is extremely unlikely to have an impact on the company s share price in the near future. LEG Immobilien earned a news sentiment score of on InfoTrie s scale. In addition to many planned discussions, we look forward to you visiting us. Godewind Immobilien AG: Correction of a release from according to Article 4 Section of the WpHG the German Securities Trading Act with the objective of Europe-wide distribution.
Godewind Immobilien AG shows successful start into the 20financial year Office real estate portfolio with a book value of.
Bloomberg the Company Its Products Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuus. TAG Immobilien earned a news impact score of on InfoTrie s scale.
Wir laden Sie ein, mit uns nach Ingolstadt zu kommen. They also gave media stories about the company a news buzz of 1 out of 1 indicating that recent news coverage is extremely likely to have an impact on the stock s share price in the near future. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. DGAP -News: Godewind Immobilien AG Key word(s Quarterly Interim StatementReal Estate Godewind Immobilien AG shows successful start into the 20financial year 08:The issuer).
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