Dienstag, 7. November 2017

Spin doctoring

Spin doctoring

Spin Doctors have many songs from their early club days that were never officially release but remain circulated via concert recordings. The art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public. Spin doctoring synonyms, Spin doctoring pronunciation, Spin doctoring translation, English dictionary definition of Spin doctoring.

A spin doctor uses spin control to emphasize or exaggerate the most positive aspect of something. How to use spin doctor in a sentence. If someone controls the spin, or direction, of an object, he is showing the sides of it that he wants to show while not shedding light on the rest. (Benjamin Bradlee, executive editor of The Washington Post, quotd by Woody Klein in All the Presidents Spokesmen: Spinning the News, White House Press From Franklin D.

Spin Doctoring - The International Encyclopedia of Political

Spin doctoring is a derogatory term to define public relations activities for political institutions, political actors or corporations that emphasize or exaggerate the most positive aspects of something. Spin doctor definition is - a person (such as a political aide) responsible for ensuring that others interpret an event from a particular point of view. The band continued to play extensive live shows, gaining grassroots fans, as the album was mostly ignored commercially. The verb spin doctoring is also commonly used to describe the work that this person does. In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through knowingly providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to persuade public opinion in favor or against some organization or public figure.

Spin Doctoring (also known as: spinning) Description: Presenting information in a deceptive way that in others interpreting the information in such a way that does not reflect reality but is how you want the information to be interpreted.

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An art form now and it gets in the way of the truth. Spin Doctoring - The International Encyclopedia of Political. I would define spin as the shaping of events to make you look better than anybody else. Spin Doctors s debut studio album Pocket Full of Kryptonite was released in August 1991. Spin doctor definition: In politics, a spin doctor is someone who is skilled in public relations and who advises.

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