Freitag, 16. Februar 2018

Hong kong trademark search

Hong kong trademark search

The trade mark law of Hong Kong is based on the Trade Marks Ordinance Cap. Before filing your trademark in Hong Kong, it is important that you evaluate possible obstacles that may arise during the registration process. Our attorneys will file and process your trademark application with Hong Kong Trademark Office. Bonamark will prepare and file your trademark for registration in Hong Kong. Even after the commission of Hong Kong to China, there is a separate trademark law in Hong Kong (trademarks ordinance).

Extension of Transitional Periods regarding Use of Specified Forms.

Hongkong trademark search - World Intellectual Village

Legal basis is the Trade Marks Act (Trademarks Ordinance, Cap. 559) in force since April, 2003. The system established by this legislation is entirely separate to the system used in the People s Republic of China, pursuant to the one country-two systems policy. Our Trademark Comprehensive Study will not only list similar trademarks (graphictic) that may conflict with yours, but it will also give you an attorney s opinion about registration possibilities.

Otice on the Launch of the New Integrated IT System of the Intellectual Property Department (updated version). Hongkong trademark search - World Intellectual Village Hong Kong Trademark Registration Costs and Registration Procedures. Trademark registration services in Hong Kong. The process starts with a Trademark Search Report and ends once you have your received your Registration Certificate.

Trademarks are registered via the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department (IPD). Trademark Registration in Hong Kong, our Hong Kong Attorneys will file your trade mark application in Hong Kong. The legal basis of Hong Kong trademark is the Trade Marks Act.

Send Inquiry Hong Kong Trademark Registration, Register Trademark Hong Kong. Please remember that although the Peoples Republic of China has sovereignty over Hong Kong, both territories still maintain separate registration systems and so a trademark registered in China does not have validity in Hong Kong, same as in Macau. 55 which came into force on repealed the Trade Mark Ordinance Cap 43.

As an international financial centre and with a free economic system, low tax rate and comprehensive infrastructure and supporting trade services, Hong Kong attracts investors from all around the world.

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