Montag, 5. März 2018

Facebook delete my timeline

Facebook delete my timeline

The following process describes how to bulk delete posts from your Facebook timeline. When installing the script in step you should see exactly the same prompt as shown. You won t be able to use Facebook Login for other apps you may have signed up for with your Facebook account, like Spotify or Pinterest. Some information, like messages you sent to friends, may still be visible to them after you delete your account. Your Facebook timeline might be full of old posts that you want to get rid of.

Its time to delete those from once and for all, and Im. Hide from timeline: Removes the post from your timeline, not Facebook.

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To remove a post from your profile, click More below the post. Select Delete or Hide from timeline from the dropdown menu. Keep in mind that you can only delete posts that you have posted.

Here are some ways to delete old posts from your Facebook Timeline. Delete All Facebook Posts Over the past few years, Facebook has developed many features inside their ople actually use those stuff while chatting with their is the number one social networking site for all the day I am going to show you how you can delete all Facebook posts in bulk. Facebook: Heres How to Remove Posts From Your Timeline in Bulk You can delete or hide posts from your profile. This is how you can do it without breaking a sweat.

How do I remove something posted on my Facebook timeline? You may need to contact the apps and websites to recover those accounts. Lets not even talk about the big data Facebook is gathering and the personal profile Facebook is constructing out of my activity. Delete: Removes the post from Facebook entirely.

In case you dont like anything, click on the globe icon and change the Public option to Friends, Only Me or Custom. However, I dont like the fact that my entire past is recorded on a Facebook timeline, for anyone to access, review, downloa and stalk. An extension that adds a delete my timeline function to either firefox or chrome browsers.

You can choose to Hide from timeline or Delete Post. You can also delete the post by clicking on the X button. It means you accidentally tapped a post that Facebook wont allow you to. Updates: July 2017: Some users were getting a minified version of the script, which would not work correctly this should now be resolved.

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