Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2018

Iso 6391 pdf

Iso 639-pdf

Language Codes sorted by language down to sorting by Codes. In all other cases there is only one ISO 639-code. Language Codes according to ISO 639-- MathGuide ISO 639-defines abbreviations for languages, consisting of two lowercase letters. Infoterm (International Information Center for Terminology) is the registration authority for ISO 639-codes.

All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CCLicense text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License additional terms may apply. New ISO 639-codes are not added if an ISO 639-code exists, so systems that use ISO 639-and 639-codes, with 639-codes preferre do not have to change existing codes. Multiple codes assigned to the same language are to be considered synonyms.

Language Codes according to ISO 639-- MathGuide

ISO 6is a standardized nomenclature used to classify languages. ISO 6is composed of five different parts. This page was last edited on, at 09:18.

Part (ISO ) provides a letter code that has been designed to represent most of the major languages of the world. In those cases, each is listed separately and they are designated as B (bibliographic) or T (terminology). Table 20-provides the list of the ISO-31Country Codes and Table 20-lists the ISO-6Language Codes.

ISO 6LANGUAGE CODES - Michal Cinciala

Each language is assigned a two-letter (639-1) and three-letter (639-and 639-lowercase abbreviation, amended in later versions of the nomenclature). You find tables sorted by language and by Code. In HTML these are used in the LANG attribute as well.

The language identifiers according to this part of ISO 6were devised originally for use in terminology, lexicography and linguistics, but may be adopted for any application requiring the expression of language in two-letter coded form, especially in computerized systems. ISO-31Country Codes and ISO-6Language Codes This chapter contains the tables which provide the list of ISO Codes. Part (ISO ) provides a letter code, which gives more possible combinations, so ISO can cover more languages. A human rights violation within its Euro-Asian entanglements.

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