The minimum page length is generally (and not formally) 1pages (or about 400characters but is usually several times longer (except for technical theses and for exact sciences such as physics and maths). Dissertation Definition of Dissertation by Dissertation definition is - an extended usually written treatment of a subject specifically : one submitted for a doctorate. How to use dissertation in a sentence. Dissertation synonyms, dissertation pronunciation, dissertation translation, English dictionary definition of dissertation.
Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von aposDissertationapos auf Duden online nachschlagen. Thesis - In France, the academic dissertation or thesis is called a th se and it is reserved for the final work of doctoral candidates. Dissertation - definition of dissertation by The Define dissertation.
Dissertation Definition of Dissertation at Dissertation definition, a written essay, treatise, or thesis, especially one written by a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In manchen L ndern (nicht aber in Deutschland und sterreich) spricht man auch bei einer Diplom-, Magister- oder Masterarbeit von einer Dissertation. Dissertation Die Dissertation kann dabei auch au erhalb der Hochschule, also ohne Anstellung oder Immatrikulation bei einer Universit t, angefertigt und extern bei dieser eingereicht werden.
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Dissertation - definition of dissertation by The
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