Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2019

Elgato hd60s

Elgato hd60s

Elgato hd60s give those features which allow the user to work with smooth gaming and provide all necessary functionality. The HDS doesn t have this, but it does have a faster USB interface. OBS-MP is a complete rewrite of OBS, which fixes many low level issues and has better optimizations. The maximum resolution that Elgato HD60s capture is 1080p with 60FPS.

You have the choice of unlimited capture of image and videos with the Elgato. Today I m going to show you how to set up the ElgatoHD capture card with the PSsystem. We are unable to fetch information from our download server.


This will require a few things along with an HDMI splitter. There is an instant game view feature which works incredibly in Elgato HD60s. Stream and record your finest gaming moments with HDS, and leverage the ultimate foundation to demonstrate what youre truly capable of. In this short guide, I will cover how to best setup the HDPro in OBS, for maximum quality and low latency. The HDhas a built-in hardware h.2encoder which helps relieve the load on your PC.

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